If you stay in a place with hills, you will definitely require an electric scooter with power and torque that will propel you up the hills without slowing down your speed so much.
First, any electric scooter with a 36V 350W Motor is equipped to climb hills with an inclination around 10° and holding the weight of a rider of up to 180 lb. However, you will need to slow down when you’re climbing longer hills.
If you will be climbing steeper hills and you want to climb the hills faster, I would recommend that you go for a 500W and above. As you check on a nice model for your commuting, you need to ensure that t doesn’t miss out on portability and foldability.
Here are essential factors that you need to check when buying an electric scooter that can climb hills
– Climbing Angle
The main difference between a normal commuting scooter and an electric scooter for hills is its ability to climb steep hills. So, when you’re buying an electric scooter, you should check its climbing angle as this determines its gradient.
Usually, the steer the hill, the harder an electric scooter will find it hard to climb. The electric scooters hills have different angle and climbing capacity. The strongest scooter would have a climbing angle of about 45 degrees while a smaller electric scooter would have a climbing angle of 10 degrees. If you live in areas with few hills that are not steep, you should consider acquiring a 10° motor. In case you live in communities with steep hills, then a 45° motor will work for you.
– Weight Capacity
Different electric scooters carry different weight. Ensure that you buy an electric scooter that can comfortably carry your weight. It is essential to note that when you’re riding on a hill, part of your weight can hinder the scooter from moving. So, select a scooter with a weight load that is much more that your body weight.
– Motor and Battery
The motor offers the electric scooter for commuting with the power to move forward. However, when you’re riding on the hill road, you will need a scooter with much energy to overcome the hills. There are those electric scooters that can perform well on a flat surface but they are week on off-road and steep hills. Also, ensure that your electric scooter has a strong battery to ensure that you move effortlessly. I would suggest that you buy one with motor power greater than 500W.
– Tires
Electric scooter tires exist as either solid or pneumatic tires. Ensure that you buy pneumatic tires as they have better cushioning and absorption even on off-road. A 10 inch and above tire is perfect for your scooter. Large wheels have the capacity of holding much weight compared to the small wheels.
– Suspension
Suspension is an essential factor on any type of scooter as they place weight on the deck as opposed to your rear wheels. If your scooter lacked suspension, you would put your body weight on the rear wheels and this will hinder movement. Also, the suspension assists you to absorb shock when you ride on bumpy areas.
– Portability
The last must-have feature on an electric scooter is portability. Ensure that you buy a motor that you can be able to fold it up and carry it at the office, mall, or college. It is vital that you buy a scooter that lightweight and foldable for ease of carrying and storing it.