The HVAC industry has been booming over the recent past. A bulk of this industry revolves around maintenance and repairs, but new installations have also been increasing especially in emerging markets in Asia. HVAC systems have also developed technologically and adopted the use of smart technology. While this has been great news for users, it has been met with resistance by HVAC dealers. Even when buying the best air conditioner brands always ensure it has smart features.
What Has Changed for AC Units?
HVAC systems have come a long way since the 1800s. Today, these systems utilize smart technology to improve functionality and the comfort that comes with it.
Users no longer have to concern themselves with adjusting their HVAC systems every time conditions such as temperature and humidity fluctuate. Smart HVAC systems are capable of monitoring these and other conditions and automatically adjusts to compensate for any fluctuations, thus ensuring that the building’s occupants are always comfortable. This has been enabled by smart thermostats and environmental sensor technology.
Improved functionality has also been accompanied by durability. Environmental sensor technology monitors the state of components making up HVAC systems and determines when maintenance and repairs are necessary. Consequently, this lowers the cost of repairs and replacements and lessens the demand for HVAC products and services. It has been tested with the smart window air conditioner brands that operates at a reduced cost.
Business Interests
HVAC dealers are undoubtedly feeling threatened by the advanced technology adopted by HVAC systems. The fact that this technology is can monitor the state of a HVAC system and prevent major breakdowns means that demand for repair and maintenance services will reduce drastically. Considering that this is the largest stream of income for HVAC dealers, it is only natural for them to oppose these developments.
So, how are HVAC dealers convincing customers to reject smart HVAC systems in spite of all the benefits they have to reap?
Preying on Fear
One crucial aspect of HVAC systems involves integration of wireless technology and automatic functionality. As such, the data it collects involving factors such as temperature and occupancy is digitized and transmitted between different components to effect any adjustments. HVAC dealers opposed to these developments are claiming that the wireless technology and automation may pose a security threat as they can be hacked.
There may not seem much to worry about, but considering that these systems control important factors such as temperature and air flow are worrying. Even more worrying is the fact that advanced systems are capable of determining occupancy and can hence be used for monitoring movements and even spying.
Can’t Stop Progress
However, while preying on customers’ fears seems to be working on some customers, many people are nevertheless upgrading their HVAC systems. In fact, most of those who have not yet upgraded their systems are simply not interested or cannot afford it for now. The lack of universal compatibility has also delayed upgrading as not all brands and components can effectively work together.
The benefits of smart HVAC systems are simply too good to pass, and soon traditional HVAC systems will be irrelevant. Consequently, HVAC dealers are left with no choice than to accept the coming revolution and make the most of it. I always prefer to purchase best portable HVAC system to warm or cool my homes.
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