What is a Good Skateboards for Beginners?
As a beginner or a pro in skateboarding it is always crucial to pick the right skateboard for your safety. A skateboard for a beginner often has a small stature than one used by a pro thus troublesome for a beginner to control a full-size skateboard. If you pick the best skateboard with the required dimensions then you will be able to master riding tricks and maneuvering techniques.
The skateboard width decks vary as they are designed based on age, sport and the experience of the skateboarder. If you intend to skate in a ramp then wider boards is ideal for you but if you plan to skate in the streets then a narrower model will be best for you.
The width of skateboard decks often ranges between 7.5 to 8.25 inches. The main reason why narrow boards are recommended for beginners is because most of them are young and have small feet. There are models that have a deck width which is less than 7.5 inches, thus, ideal for skaters who are young and have less experience.
For a pro the skateboard deck length always does not matter but for a beginner, it may be hard to control a model with a longer deck while riding. Most skateboards have an average deck with a length ranging from 28 to 32 inches. Young skateboarders who are less than five feet tall, a deck with a length of 28 inches is the most ideal pick for them. Beginner skateboarders often find it easy to use skateboards with shorter decks because they are light in weight.
Skateboard wheel size often differs depending on the terrain the wheel has been designed to take. It may be the parks, pools or ramps. Large wheels are often ideal and stable for steep ramps with compact wheels being the best for park or street riding. Wheels used in street riding have a diameter of between 50 to 55 mm. Smaller wheels greatly helps a beginner to pop the board from the ground by reducing the skateboard weight. Softer wheels often increase its grip on hard surfaces.
The tail and the nose make a concave shape in the skateboard. Concave degree always varies from steep to mellow. A steeper concave increases pop allowing you to lift the skateboard easily off the ground. This is possible by performing ollie which is a jumping technique. As a beginner, a steeper concave is always the best since you will be able to learn various tricks easily. A mellow concave is always the best choice for riders who are pro and intend to cruise downhill.
You can try this 5 amazing Skateboarding Tricks
The article is strictly for professionals and those who are ready to do some crazy but fun styles while skateboarding. It is both a fun but a risky affair for beginners. If you’re a beginner, just learn the normal skateboard riding so that you don’t risk an injury or death.
Okay, if you want to try the trick you should have the best skateboard helmet on your head. Also, you should have a standard skateboard brand that will guarantee the success of your mission.
The flip and grind tricks are the best skateboard tricks you should always learn. A flip trick is performed by allowing your feet to leave the skateboard and then rotating or flipping. A skater can use the two aluminum trucks on bottom of the skateboard in order to execute grinds tricks across the rails and the ledges. Putting on the best skateboard helmet and other protective gears such as knee pads and elbow pads is always crucial to make sure that you are safe when performing any basic skateboard tricks.
i) Ollies
This utilizes both the grind and flip tricks since the skater is able to jump off the ground. To perform this, you are required to push down the skateboard on a concave area at the tail of the board using your back foot and then immediately after the tail hits the ground you can jump into the air. To level it out, always use your front foot and slide it to the direction of front side of the board. Ollie trick is completed upon landing on all wheels.
ii) The Kickflip and Heelflip
The front foot is always used to perform both the heelfip aand kickflip tricks. Once you pop an ollie trick by using your back foot, use your front toes to perform a kickflip by kicking the board’s inside edge and then wait it to completely flip and then land back on the top of your deck. To perform the heelflip trick, kick the outside edge of your board in order to flip the board to opposite direction of kickflip.
iii) The Frontside and Backside Pop-Shove It
In the Frontside and backside pop-shove, the board rotates unlike when performing a flip. After you pop an ollie, kick your front foot forward and your back foot backwards. A regular-footed stance often spins frontside pop-shove it and rotating clockwise.A backside pop-shove it trick is performed by kicking your front foot backwards and then your back foot forward. This spins the board counterclockwise for regular footers.
v) Varial Kickflip and Heelflip
Varial kickflip often combines both the kickflip and backside pop-shove it. If you are a regular footer skater, let your board flip and spin clockwise in 180 degrees before landing. The Varial heelflipoften combines the heelflip and the front-side pop-shove it. Regular-footed skater always picks up the two feet for the board to flip and rotate 180 degrees conter clockwise before landing.
V) Grinds
Approach a ledge or a rai and then pop an ollie and then land on the edge of the ledge or the rail in order to perform a 50-50 grind. As you balance on the board, your trucks slide across the surface. As you near the end of the rail, pop an ollie for you to land a grind. The 5-0 grind comprises similar motions as those of 50-50 grind, though you have to grind on back truck. To perform a nose grind always grind only on the front truck.
Also on flyparents.
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